Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Blog 7

By now if you've read my blog, you'll know I'm not shy about saying fuck. Expect it to be used many more times here. If that bothers you, don't fucking read it, I don't fucking care :)

The dumbass who drew my ire today is none other than our esteemed governor, who made some really ignorant comments that can be found at this link. His brilliant deductions caused a few random synapses to fire and his mouth to open, saying things like students carrying guns would be a deterrent to campus violence, like what was experienced in Ohio St. What a fucking idiot. The idea of a bunch of 19 year olds carrying handguns after going through a 40 hour "class" gives me more fear than random homicidal maniacs. Not being the most rational being on the planet, a 19 year old male strapped up on a college campus instills terror in me. For fucks sake, don't be a pussy. Pussies carry guns to feel safe. There isn't anything glamorous or cool about guns or taking lives, trust me. I think the opposite of the governors statement is true: strapped teens will cause more problems than it solves. They aren't properly trained in safety and carry procedures, loading and unloading and lets not forget the most important....FUCKING TARGET RECOGNITION. Training to take a life (the correct life, no innocent bystanders) requires rigorous mental conditioning and severe physical and mental stress during exercises. I've known good people who were killed IN FUCKING TRAINING with live ammo because they or someone on the team fucked up. Guns are serious business. Leave them to professionals, get an education, and don't be a fucking pussy.


  1. Last blog of the semester is going to a short one! I chose Jordan Call's blog "Is She Really Lady Liberty?" Jordan starts the blog with a quick warning to those who might feel uncomfortable with the word "fuck." To be honest I am a little upset that I have missed this explicit blog this whole time. Jordan's style of writing is obviously to the point and blunt. Wasting no time to say his point ( Jordan I am guessing your a guy, I have a unisex name so don't hate me if I am wrong). He throws in colorful language like the F bomb and calling people "pussies." This type of in your face language has been proven to be both controversial and popular to people who use this style in front of larger audiences. If our platforms on these blogs were larger, Jordan would probably have a pretty big following because of his blunt style. What Jordan chose to write about is an important issue that has been a debate for a while now. I agree with everything he has said. Americans have this glorifying idea of guns and weapons. I too am guilty of wanting to be a bad ass and start bending bullets after I saw the hit movie "Wanted." But I also understood that this is real life, and people tend to get shot when their are real guns around.

    I don't understand this wave of thinking that you need to protect yourselves by having a gun. This isn't the wild west! why the hell does anyone need a gun at school? More importantly, how are students that don't carry guns supposed to feel safe in a setting that is constantly on the news for having mass shootings? It is a ridiculous agenda pushed by the NRA and the fear tactics in the media that a decent amount of idiots have sucked up. My Brother was killed by a random civilian with a gun. When bullets go flying in the regular world, its not fun! Life is lost, mental strings become unhinged, and fear becomes life. If you feel the need to have a gun so badly, join the army! Take your invincible ass to a place that benefits the country. Otherwise, stop being paranoid, stop putting other people lives at risk, and as Jordan Call said "don't be a fucking pussy."

  2. Over all I dont think there is any real evidance to suggest that giving guns to college students will really make a differance either way. This is one of those exciting and horrifing laws that we will have the mis fortune of expermenting with, but we should all be excited for the new oppertunites that can be forged from this, both good and bad.

  3. Agree! Stressed out college kids should NOT carry guns, leave it to the police officers!! Campus Carry simply puts students and faculty members at a higher risk, but hey, that's just my opinion.

  4. I decided to respond to Jordan Call's blog about arming college kids with guns.

    I have to say, i completely agree here. I'm fully supportive of the second amendment, but this trend towards making sure everyone is armed every single moment of the day with the most badass weapons possible is going to have major unintended consequences.

    Can you imagine stressed out college kids in class now having to guess if their classmate is a good guy with a gun, or bad guy with a gun? every time someone walks in with a weapon? While taking notes/paying attention to what the professor is saying?

    Leave it to our campus police to keep us safe. I would much rather trust them than some hungover kid bringing his AR-15 to showoff how much of a tough guy he thinks he is.

    P.S Good luck on your academic career!
