Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Blog 7

By now if you've read my blog, you'll know I'm not shy about saying fuck. Expect it to be used many more times here. If that bothers you, don't fucking read it, I don't fucking care :)

The dumbass who drew my ire today is none other than our esteemed governor, who made some really ignorant comments that can be found at this link. His brilliant deductions caused a few random synapses to fire and his mouth to open, saying things like students carrying guns would be a deterrent to campus violence, like what was experienced in Ohio St. What a fucking idiot. The idea of a bunch of 19 year olds carrying handguns after going through a 40 hour "class" gives me more fear than random homicidal maniacs. Not being the most rational being on the planet, a 19 year old male strapped up on a college campus instills terror in me. For fucks sake, don't be a pussy. Pussies carry guns to feel safe. There isn't anything glamorous or cool about guns or taking lives, trust me. I think the opposite of the governors statement is true: strapped teens will cause more problems than it solves. They aren't properly trained in safety and carry procedures, loading and unloading and lets not forget the most important....FUCKING TARGET RECOGNITION. Training to take a life (the correct life, no innocent bystanders) requires rigorous mental conditioning and severe physical and mental stress during exercises. I've known good people who were killed IN FUCKING TRAINING with live ammo because they or someone on the team fucked up. Guns are serious business. Leave them to professionals, get an education, and don't be a fucking pussy.

Blog 6

In response to the article written at "Under The Pecan Tree" found here, regarding commutation of sentences by the President for time served in relation to non violent drug offenses, I completely agree. All the mandatory minimum laws established back in the 80's and 90's for drugs have created far more problems than solved. The hope was the knowledge of guarunteed incarceration would dissuade people from drugs. Recently, even the advocates for mandatory minimum sentences and those who wrote the laws have agreed that it does not work and has caused mass overcrowding of the penal system. It's time to move past these ridiculous laws and focus on real criminal offenses.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Blog 5

Recently, across the nation, many have taken to openly protesting the President- Elects’ upcoming appointment, going so far as to beat Trump supporters and causing property damage and destruction. Signs like “Racist” and #notmypresident can be easily seen on CNN. I am far from a Trump supporter. I would never have voted for the man, the same way I wouldn’t buy a car put together by fruit vendors. They aren’t qualified for the job, just like Trump isn’t. However, and this may come as a shocker or even hurt some feelings………SHUT THE FUCK UP! The people have spoken. Your candidate didn’t win? You feel sad and hurt and need time off class and a pep talk because you can’t deal with the harsh realities of someone who didn’t give a fuck about you in the first place not winning something that is essentially a figurehead position? Well fuck you. You are weak and part of the problem in this country. Our country, especially 16-25 year olds, are thin skinned, sniveling kids who cry and start shit over the littlest stuff. If you think life is hard now you’re in for a fucking shock. In the real world, no one gives a shit about you having a bad day or a hard time. You do or you don’t. And if you don’t, you get fired or miss out on a promotion. You think life is hard? You don’t know the meaning of the word. These assholes throwing a fit are the ones who were afraid they would be targeted by Trump supporters if he lost and that his people would start riots. But look at you now. Acting like spoiled kids. Throwing fits in the street, getting arrested and picking up criminal records that guarantee you’ll never get a good job, instead just being a drain on the resources of a country that already has too many to support. So grow the fuck up.

Monday, October 31, 2016


The article I am writing comes from The Empower Texans blog, which is a conservative leaning blog. The article, which involves voter fraud in a Texas county can be found here. The author is Ross Kecseg and his bio is listed at the bottom of the page. The article is honestly written much better than I anticipated, with almost no detectable partisan wording or agenda. It seems to just be reporting on an issue in the community. I immedieatly expected a slanted viewpoint and left wing hate, but refreshingly all I found was an informative article with no bias or prejudice being presented, a rarity for an online blog.  In Tarrant county, apparently a voting scheme involving more than 20,000 votes has been discovered. “The investigation was the result of a complaint filed by Aaron Harris, of Direct Action Texas. Today, Harris confirmed that AG investigators have been spotted on the ground in Tarrant County interviewing witnesses. In a statement released online, Harris claimed the investigation is into a vote harvesting scheme involving as many as 20,000 ballots.” The author covers the material in a professional manner and offers little opinion, even those this is a blog designed for just that. If this is indeed going on, it brings up many questions regarding mail in ballots, which are a much less secure form of voting. I feel like the author relies too heavily on other information, and we get no idea of the sources motivations. This could just be a group of people looking to make the system work, but I highly doubt it.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Assignment 3

In the opinion based article entitled "Austin Voters Can do Something about congestion by Voting Yes on Prop 1" by the Austin Statesman, the writer expresses his belief in the necessity of the need to pass Prop 1. The article can be found here. "Proposition 1 aims to address Austin’s dreadful traffic congestion by upgrading major corridors, adding technological and engineering features to signals and roadways, and expanding public transit and pedestrian options so people have a variety of ways to reach their destinations." It calls for a 720 million dollar plan, where the money is raised through an average of 5 to 9 dollars a month for homeowners. I don't think many would disagree that the traffic is a major issue, and it does need to be addressed. They also mention the need to make sure people are not displaced and land is taken. The author (editor) does a very thorough job of explaining the issue, and presenting a logical, well-reasoned argument. He informs the reader about the details of the plan, and the need for it. He uses facts and logic to appeal to the audience, which mainly would consist of those unfamiliar with the Proposition or maybe undecided on how to vote. He makes no attempt to hide his view that this is a must win proposal, as he believes it will alleviate traffic issues at a minimum cost to taxpayers. I have to say, after reading his argument, I am inclined to take his side due to the well reasoned and convincing presentation. I find this interesting, as in North Carolina they pay state taxes and the roads are very well maintained and there has never been a need for a vote like this. As an Austinite, if this will fix traffic I hope it passes.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Assignment #2

The article I chose to talk about can be found here. Governor Abbott makes a pitch that Texas needs to stay with the times business wise, so as not to be left behind as they were with Woolworths and Sears to name a couple. Talks were also made about providing cheaper or free education to help boost qualified candidates in today's modern fields. Governor Abbott even says that Texas needs more higher level job candidates with special skills. Abbott enthusiastically endorsed the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's goal to grow the share of young people who have a postsecondary degree to 60 percent by 2035. And he expressed excitement for the idea of Texas Industry Innovative Academies, which would be schools that partner with local employers and colleges to provide internship and dual-credit opportunities for high school students. So he wants people to go to college and even aims at getting them in sooner, yet neatly sidesteps the issue of cheaper or free education. The problem with education is debt and the need to still keep your lifestyle up while attending class. He offers no solutions or ideas to this problem. So he's on the right track, but without easing the burden of college attendance, these lofty goals could fall short.

Friday, September 2, 2016